10 years of experience in trading grains

The most competitive prices and access to international markets

Check out our platform

We have revolutionized grain trading. We believe in digitalization and therefore we’ve created a platform that enables our clients to sell grains through the internet. The platform gives you a continuous access to the market with real time MATIF stock quotes. you’ll be able to sign contracts by one click all the while assuring maximum security and transparency of the transaction. The platform is free of charge for all users.

See sample offers

Create a free account on the platform and see how quick and convenient grain trading can be.
Join the digital market today
Access to MATIF stock Real-time MATIF quotes free of charge for all users.
Flexible sales terms Choose the offer that suits you and set the quantity you want to sell.
Transaction security Transparent terms of contract and constant access to all documents.

Our terminals

Dzielów, Polska

ul.Dzielów 23,
48 - 120 Baborów

Baborów, Polska

ul. Kolejowa 17,
48 - 120 Baborów